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Hard Cut Rev Limiter On A Diesel: How Does It Work?

You’ve probably seen a trend over the last few years of hard cut rev limiters becoming more and more popular on a variety of diesel engines such as the Toyota Hilux, Toyota Landcruiser 200 and 79 Series, Toyota 1HD-FTE engine, and many more. Modifications to ECU parameters that produce special effects such as pops, crackles and bangs have been held relatively close to petrol engines over the years, but this trend has shifted into the diesel engine tuning scene as popularity for high performance diesel tuning has grown in Australia.

In diesel engines, where it is not possible to cut ignition, the rev limiter is achieved by sharply cutting off fuel injection at a specific engine RPM. This results in a sudden drop in engine speed, following by a quick rise, creating the desired sound effect.

How is this modification achieved in the factory ECU?

Focusing more specifically on the Toyota DENSO ECU platform, the hardcut RPM limiter can be achieved by editing specific calibration maps to bounce the engine RPM to a higher and lower position in the map, while simultaneously cutting and adding fuel. This is what creates the popping sound through the exhaust. The more fuel you add, the more violent the sound will be.

Is there any risk or danger when adding a hard cut rev limiter on your diesel?

Yes. If you are running a larger than standard set of injectors, and your tuner is too aggressive in the fuel delivery at this RPM cut, it will drive turbo pressure VERY high, while adding a huge increase in cylinder pressure. The combination of this can result in your engine bending connecting rods. For the most part, it is harmless when used in moderation and done correctly via the factory ECU calibration. With the appropriate amount of fuel injected it is just a bit of fun to add to your newly tuned vehicle.

Do I need an ECU tune to add hard cut limiter?

Yes and no. The hardcut limiter is edited and written via the factory ECU in the same way an ECU tune or remap is done. You do need necessarily need to add the extra power of a tune when doing it, but the process remains the same.

How does hard cut limiter work with a piggy back module such as Unichip or ECU=Shop Ultraboost?

It is done through the same process as if you were to edit the factory ECU calibration file, except you are doing this inside the piggy back’s editing software. In this instance, it offers less control over the specific data, expected results, and aggression of the limiter itself as you are generally only able to edit fuel quantity in these specific software editing programs, and it will be a case of the factory ECU trying to cut fuel for the engines natural RPM limiter, while the piggy back is forcing it to add more back in creating that hard cut effect.


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