Best Turbo for N70 Hilux 1KD engine? The best turbo upgrade is one that’s going to be suited to your goal. Whether your Hilux is a workhorse and you want to replace your blown turbo with the same quality – or boost your 1KD with something more capable, we will list our information on pro’s/con’s and the upgrades we use to achieve certain goals in our performance packages. HD Auto fit & Tune turbochargers on these vehicles, as well as ship Performance packages worldwide, so we are in a great position to recommend the best option for your individual goal.

N70 Hilux with PDI Intercooler, High Flow Airbox, Low Mount Turbo & Tune.
Factory VNT Turbo Information
The OEM fitted turbocharger is an IHI VB35 or CT12CV unit produced by IHI. Considering it first appeared in 2005 it’s a pretty clever unit – Unlike a conventional wastegate turbocharger, It’s boost is computer controlled by the factory ECU using a VNT System. That essentially means the ECU controls boost by constantly changing the angle on the rear turbine.
The factory turbo is small, responsive and generally very reliable, But won’t handle much more than 190HP Tuned. Over a certain amount of boost and horsepower the turbo will not deliver enough airflow, and you run the risk of snapping the small turbine shaft.
The genuine unit is complete with it’s own stepper motor attached that can’t be purchased separately.
There are different part numbers for the Hilux, Prado and HiAce vans with the 1KD engine, But upgrades generally fit them all.
Upgrading the turbo
Why upgrade the Turbo for more power? In Australia, most of us are going wild bolting on bigger tyres and lift kits, heavy bull bars or accessories like roof top tents. All of those things mean the engine has to work harder, resulting in more heat, struggling on hills and poor efficiency. Upgrading your 1KD Engine means a much better driving experience and increased efficiency so we recommend tuning it.
Because of the VNT system just mentioned above, bolting on a bigger turbo itself won’t raise the boost or result in any increase in power! This is a common misconception we clear up often. Increasing the power must be done by Tuning the ECU to add more fuel and boost – The best method for that is using either a piggyback computer like Unichip, ‘ECU=Shop UltraBoost’ or doing a ‘Remap’ on the factory ECU.
The 1KD Hilux engine is capable of well over 200HP with a turbo upgrade. In comparison they produce about 125HP stock on our Mainline Dyno.

Blown Turbo?
The symptoms of a blown turbo are fairly obvious, a complete lack of power and boost – It’s easier to read boost if there’s a gauge fitted. There may also be an engine light along with that – If your 1KD has suddenly lost power it’s worth checking some basic things such as the MAP sensor hose or intercooler leaks before assuming it is a blown turbo. With the basics checked the turbo can be diagnosed by removing the Turbo intake snout and checking for damage.
A Hilux turbo should last 200,000kms or more under normal use. In fact we have seen them go over twice that distance before needing replacement. However turbochargers may fail earlier than that for a number of reasons, such as oil starvation or overspeeding to compensate for a boost leak.
This turbocharger pictured was a factory item which detonated when the VNT control motor stuck open, forcing it to overspeed with more boost than it can handle at high RPM. While the 1KD may drive for a short distance with a blown turbo, it’s not recommended to drive it all, The engine may lose oil pressure though the turbocharger, Will perform poorly and most likely going into limp mode.
A blown turbo is usually not worth repairing, there is extensive damage to the bearing and compressor housing as well.
44MM Turbocharger conversion
’44MM’or ‘F44’ is a buzz word you may have heard thrown around. It refers to a range of popular Turbochargers that originated in the Thailand Tuning scene, with a larger 44MM sized Exducer. That happens to be a good size for the 3-Litre-common-rail diesel engines such as 1KD, 1KZ, 4JJ1 with both good response and strength at high boost levels. There are various models available from Thai companies like Flex, SKS and PKS which can be adapted to fit the 1KD. But we now have direct bolt-on 44MM options as well.
Most of the options we recommend are direct bolt on. Experienced mechanics can swap the turbo without removing the manifold, but if it’s your first time – the easiest method for replacing the turbocharger is to remove the entire exhaust manifold, allowing more room to work on the bench. That means it’s also worth budgeting for manifold studs and gaskets as they are often f****d and seized up
The Job shouldn’t be rushed – it’s worth making sure everything’s clean and paying attention to the details to make sure it goes smoothly. It takes around 5 hours labour to replace a bolt on turbocharger on the 1KD, but an experienced mechanic will be faster. It typically costs around $3300 to replace the turbocharger including parts and labour. – We also recommend changing the engine oil and filter to make sure they’re clean.
For $95 it’s also worth replacing the Oil line, they are often rusted or clogged with carbon build up.
Gated vs. VNT Turbo?
VNT – 1KD has a VNT boost control system. It uses an electric stepper motor on the side of the turbocharger to adjust the variable blade geometry, controlling boost throughout the Rev range. It’s advantage is maximizing response and down low torque on diesel engines.
Gated – Gated refers to a Turbocharger that uses a conventional wastegate. The wastegate Actuator has a boost reference hose to the intake, and is set to a Preset boost target Eg. 20PSI – Once the intake pressure reaches 20PSI it opens the wastegate to hold boost at that level. Utilising a wastegated turbo removes a lot of variables when it comes to tuning, as turbo boost pressure is controlled by the wastegate and fueling only.
Our preference is VNT based Turbochargers for better response, but Gated turbocharger conversions are still very popular. Many customers opt for the Gated turbo because they simply just prefer the mechanical wastegate.

This ‘VNT Simulator’ plugs in to avoid fault codes when you remove VNT and switch to a Gated turbo
Bolt on Turbocharger options:
1KD Garret Upgrade – Garrett Motion GTB2256VZK $1826
Direct Fit: YES
Tune required: NO
HP Rating: Up to 200hp
The new Garrett upgrade is a game changer – It’s a direct replacement of the factory turbo, redesigned by Garret with a Billet Compressor wheel and better flow/response characteristics. It’s high quality and also affordable, which means cheap ‘high flow’ turbochargers and reconditions are pretty much obsolete.
You can purchase the Garrett outright as a brand new assembly with Stepper motor for $1826. No tuning is required to fit just bolt on and go, however this turbo will handle tuning and increased boost pressures on standard size injectors.
Flex KD PRO VNT $1999
Direct Fit: YES
Tune Required: NO
HP Rating: 230HP+
The Flex PRO VNT bolts straight onto your 1KD, and retains the factory VNT control. It’s a 44MM Turbo that will provide more flow and handle greatly increased boost, we have tuned these with performance packages up to 230HP+. For a well priced bolt on option you can’t go wrong, KD PRO VNT is a great option to replace a blown turbo, meaning you can bolt on & drive it now but handle doing further performance work later on.
Stepper motor is not included, re-use your original stepper motor or purchase a new one.
Gturbo G250 TITAN $2990
Direct Fit: YES
Tune required: Recommended
HP Rating: 250HP
Designed and Built in Australia. Gturbo set out to lead the market with their latest 1KD G250 – The Titan features their Titanium compressor wheel coating, It also has their redesigned Next GEN VNT System and Anti-Surge compressor housing. With high flow injectors and tuning, this turbocharger will support 250HP with incredible boost response for low down torque.
Other technical updates over a factory turbo include Billet wheel, upgraded thrust bearings, a 30% stronger main shaft. It’s hard to go past the G250 Titan for anyone wanting only the best on their rig. The Gturbo will bolt on without a tune, but we recommended Tuning at a Gturbo dealer for best results.
Pictured: Gturbo’s Next Gen VNT System, inside the rear housing, Gturbo completely redesigned the factory VNT set to address issues with wear and increase flow.
Flex R77 44MM $1999
Direct Fit: YES
Tune required: YES
HP rating 250HP
Flex R77 is a Gated 44MM turbocharger upgrade. However it is a Factory replacement style housing which bolts in place of the factory turbo, allowing you to fit the standard exhaust and intercooler piping. These are a performance turbocharger with it’s optimal boost level around 30PSI, up to 35PSI. So is best suited for use with high flow injectors and 200+HP performance packages. It will bolt on and drive with the VNT simulator installed. but it’s highly recommended to get a Tune with this turbo to extract benefits.
The Gated turbocharger has a different core & does not re-use the factory Oil feed line, A braided Oil feed line is supplied, the factory oil drain is re-used and modified.
Gated turbocharger in a factory package.
High mount Turbo kit / 44MM / ‘Mini F55’
Direct Fit: NO
Tune required: YES
HP Rating: 250+HP
Pictured is the Ultimate High Mount Kit, using a Flex 44MM turbocharger mounted on BRD merge collector manifold. This is going to offer 250HP+ and 600NM of torque, which is plenty enough to break that poor R151F transmission. So for most people, we recommend the 44mm turbocharger.
High mount is purely for bling factor, it offers little in terms of power output on a 1KD, we are able to achieve similar results with a factory manifold. It also requires custom fabrication to plumb up & install, but the end result is a serious looking custom engine bay if that is your goal.
HD Auto Ultimate Kit with a Flex R71 Turbocharger
Flex F55 Turbo
Direct Fit: NO
Tune required: YES
HP Rating: 300HP
Not something we recommend for most owners, The F55 turbochargers are aimed at those targeting serious HP from a 1KD engine. Capable of over 45psi boost and 300+HP, an F55 upgrade requires custom work and tuning to get the most out of it. They look fantastic, but this turbo needs custom work to plumb it up, as well as high flow injectors, front mount intercooler at a minimum.
The Flex F55 turbocharger will deliver more than enough power to break the manual transmission, it’s a good option for those who have an endless supply of R151 transmissions or those running a built automatic transmission in their Hilux.

The F55 is most commonly used on a high-mount manifold.
Tuning your Turbo upgrade:
There are two practical methods for Tuning a 1KD Engine – ECU Remap & Piggyback ECU Install like Unichip X. The factory ECU is integrated into the factory vehicle harness, so it’s not often ideal to replace it with a stand alone unit.
Sometimes both methods are used together, if the factory ECU functions need to be edited.
For the sake of keeping it simple, we will list a separate article on performance packages and dyno tuning the 1KD Engine.

1KD Engine Blinged up with a high mount Turbo Kit.
Our separate article on tuning can be found here:
Supporting mods
These further parts are recommended with a Turbo upgrade when doing a performance package:
–Front mount intercooler
-Airbox upgrade
-High Flow Snorkel
-3″ Exhaust
-30% High Flow Injectors (+30)
-Heavy Duty Clutch / Auto Valve body upgrade
Common issues
-Early models of 1KD (05-08) had a number of differences such as ECU, injectors, smaller flywheel and No EGR cooler. Some information / results will vary.
For any questions there’s a dedicated HD Auto text line you can message anytime at: 0483906923
We keep all of these parts in stock and they can be found on our website.